The Loveland Frog: A Mysterious Cryptid of Ohio
The Loveland Frog is a cryptid that has captured the imaginations of many people over the years. It is said to be a humanoid amphibian that inhabits the area around Loveland, Ohio. Reports of sightings of the creature date back to the 1950s, with sporadic sightings continuing up to the present day. Appearance of the Loveland Frog The Loveland Frog is described as being roughly four feet tall, with leathery skin that is green or gray in color. It is said to have webbed hands and feet, and large, bulging eyes that glow in the dark. Some reports describe the creature as having a tail, while others do not. Witnesses have also reported that the creature emits a high-pitched screeching sound. Sightings of the Loveland Frog Sightings of the Loveland Frog have been reported by many people over the years, including police officers and other credible witnesses. The most famous sighting occurred in 1972, when a Loveland police officer named Ray Shockey reported seeing a strange creature on a brid...